

Which Version of FileMaker Client Do I Need?

SeedCodeCalendar requires FileMaker 8.5 or higher. The solution looks for this version of FileMaker in the opening script and will show users a warning if they attempt to open the solution in an older version. Because of the solutions extensive use of variables, it won't run at all in FileMaker 7, so the opening script will quit FileMaker after displaying the version warning.

You can download updates for FileMaker Pro and find out about the latest versions of FileMaker here: "":


You can share SeedCodeCalendar with up to 5 guests without FileMaker Pro Server, providing each guest as a copy of FileMaker Pro. Even with a small number of guests, however, we strongly recommend you use "FileMaker Pro Server": for the best possible performance. FileMaker server also offers increased crash protection and provides for the scheduled backup of your databases, making it invaluable in our estimation.

Instant Web Publishing Requirements

Note that to publish SeedCodeCalendar via Instant Web Publishing you'll need to be using the "Pro Version": of our calendar and will also need our Instant Web Publishing Module.

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