SeedCode’s ProMaps add-on brought FileMaker maps to life. The map became another way to view your found set: list view, form view, map view. The latest version introduced routing and constraining the found set by drawing shapes on the map.
But the code could be hard to customize. It was difficult to add additional data sources to the map (additional tables with mappable addresses, like customers AND workorders). Also, getting it to run in WebDirect took a lot of work.
So we’re moving the map into DayBack calendar so folks can easily add new data sources like they add new calendar sources. You’ll be able to route each resource on the calendar and even ask DayBack to adjust your schedule based on the best route and Google’s drive-time API.
We’ve done a number of integrations like this for specific customers making DayBack drive-time aware. This includes things like asking DayBack to suggest a different resource when someone else will be physically closer to a customer later in the week. And warning users when there isn’t enough drive time between scheduled appointments. Now we’re ready to bring these behaviors into DayBack as an integrated calendar and mapping application.
ProMaps is no longer for sale as a stand-alone product. It will eventually be re-released as part of DayBack in late 2024. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more or have mapping use cases that can’t wait. We’re offering mapping integrations in DayBack’s Plus Plan for select customers now.
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