Tip: Debugging Using GoZync’s Logs

Working on a GoZync integration with Jason this morning and remembered this troubleshooting trick Todd and I came up with. This lets you quickly find where a given operation happens in GoZync scripts. (Worth a quick watch.)

[ba-youtubeflex videoid=”JJvDaqFiZx4″]

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  • Arild Schönberg

    Thank you John. I use the “Developer Assistant” from 2empowerFM every day in just this manor. When trouble shooting scripts for IWP, there is no way to step through the code, so I have a script that writes a short log text to the session table for every place in the script where something could go wrong. This way I can follow the session in FMP as I trigger the scripts in IWP in the browser.

    When the script stops giving comments, I can easily track the script with the log text from the session record.

    We always number our scripts too, so tracking the script is really easy as the script no. is in every log line.

    Developer Assistant is an awesome tool and I can’t imagine writing code in FileMaker without it.

    /Arild Schonberg, Re-Base Stockholm

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