SeedCode Calendar was awarded the 2010 FileMaker Excellence Award for Solution of the Year. The software was nominated by fellow developers and customers, so this award means a lot to us. A big thanks to everyone for their support, encouragement, and congratulations.

Friends and colleagues Molly Connolly (FileMaker Excellence Award for Outstanding Contribution to the FileMaker Community) and David Knight (FileMaker Mad Dog Public Relations Award) were also honored; I was very proud to be up there with these two.

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  • Adam Aronson

    Again, many congratulations! Well deserved and well earned. Both our team and our customers see great value in SeedCode Calendar. We’re always looking forward to what you have in mind for the future.

  • Congratulations.. I saw that one coming as soon as I set my sights on the new calendar at the start of the year.

    Well deserved.

  • Well deserved, John. As a consistent supporter of SeedCode, you and your products, it certainly doesn’t surprise me that Calendar earned such a high accolade.

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