Complete now available for Pre-Sale

The new FM11 version of SeedCode Complete, our contact and project management framework, is now available for Pre-Sale.

Ships July 27.

Buy the currently shipping version for 30% off and get the new one for free on July 27.

Details, screenshots and a preview movie here.

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  • Katie


    From the video the complete version looks great! I’m so excited to check it out. Question,

    I don’t know if you remember but a long time ago I asked if the new version of the Complete would be able to run on FM10 (we were just about to renew our maintenance contract but wanted to save some money) and you had said that it could, has this changed now? Do we now definately have to upgrade to FM11 to use?

    • Hi Katie, I’m very sorry for the change in plans. Yes, Complete does require 11. We’re doing a lot with portal filtering and it lets us keep the relationship graph so much simpler that we required it. I’d say that you could run it in 10 with a few things not working quite right, but that’s probably not what you want.

      • Helpful both on the speed side, but also when it comes time for you to modify it. There is just less code to wade through.

      • Katie

        ok, we’ll look into upgrading here on our end with fm11, if the simplified relationship’s graphs are helpful in the speed of loading the database, then it would be worth it on our end.


  • How well does it work with Go_iPad 1.0.1? …. have just downloaded this and so far it seems to be most of we have all been asking for….the new Calendar Complete on the iPad…! ….now we’ll have to consider syncing when out of wifi range!

    reply to above…will certainly be doing this and adding chronology as well

  • Frankly the mailing component of Complete was perfect for our needs….tried FMspark and found it too much and a little complicated for our ‘simple’ in most cases so went back to the mass mail sender and template editor in Complete. Need to check out the other ‘features’ against the ‘old’ version but first pass looks like big advantages to the Calendar component and scheduling.

    • I hear you Peter; and I imagine you could add the mailings table and scripts from the 8.5 Complete to the new one 😉

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