Customizations for Parvin Paving

Here’s an extension of SeedCode Complete designed by Jim Parvin of Parvin Paving and Sealing. In addition to the master-detail location browser on the left, Jim brought all the slide panels forward as tabs since he had large monitors and lots of space.

SeedCode Complete FileMaker Template

I like how Jim used the slide panels in Complete as a palette of interface elements and brought forward the ones he wanted, arranging them on a single screen. (Jim designed these layouts, and SeedCode’s Dan Wheelon and Ann Kiser put them together.)

We’ve seen many folks do this, moving things off slide panels into tabs or card windows and arranging them to build new interface elements. For example, the master-detail pane used for selecting locations above borrows filters from Complete’s contact selector. That was our goal with the SeedCode Complete template: to wire up the hard stuff and the basics so that developers could quickly add value with customizations specific to their business.

Big thanks to Jim at Parvin Paving and Sealing for letting us show off his app!

[ba-button link=”” color=”Yellow” target=”self”]  Download SeedCode Complete  [/ba-button]

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