Data Modeling Sessions (my favorite)

The data modeling sessions at Pause have always had a big impact and so far there are some great ones planned for October in Portland.

Dave Graham – : Let’s Party! – pitfalls and benefits to implementing a Party Model and generalized frameworks in FileMaker.

Jason Young – SeedCode : Wet and Dry Development in FileMaker checking our assumptions

Todd Geist – geistinteractive : Universal Context You can get there from here!

Kevin Frank : Runtime Code – Blurring the distinction between data and schema. If you have examples, bring them to share.

(Complete Schedule)

These remind me of the grand-daddies of data modeling sessions: Ernest Koe’s 2010 session on MVC, and Corn Walker’s followup in 2011: Beyond A/B: A Minimalist Graph Approach – What happens when you take Chris Crim’s vision seriously?

(Sessions won’t be recorded this year unless presenters want to record their own.)logo

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