Document Approval and Version Control in SeedCode Complete

SeedCode’s Ann Kiser has added a version management component to SeedCode Complete as part of a custom project she’s working on. Complete comes with a built-in audit log, but document versioning goes further by preserving all previous iterations of an attached file and tying that to an approval process so you can know which versions are available for use. This is part of a thorough customization Ann is doing with Mark Thomas for Okamoto Corporation, the largest sock manufacturer in Japan. (We love manufacturing projects at SeedCode!)

The solution runs in both Japanese and English, and Splash, Inc. is helping with the localization.

FileMaker is a great tool for tracking this kind of approval flow since it’s so easy to send email notifications when documents pass each stage of the approval process. SeedCode Complete makes this even easier as it includes template scripts for server-side email notifications. Details on the built-in audit log can be found here: audit log.

Complete even includes a process template builder that you can customize to add milestones to your calendar as project pass through different statuses. That doesn’t do document versioning, however, without some customization. If you’re looking for a new approach to document versions and approvals, please get in touch: we’d love to chat with you.

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