Dropbox to FileMaker: DevCon 2015

Here is a preview of one of the demos Jason Young will be presenting at DevCon in Las Vegas. This is from his session “Insert From URL: Swiss Army Knife of Script Steps” the morning of the first day. (Check out the schedule)

Jason will be showing a slick interaction between FileMaker 14 and Dropbox:

One of the very cool things here is that the interface is all in FileMaker, but all the data is coming from Dropbox:

Jason will get into authenticating to Dropbox and how to manage that all within FileMaker. Very cool stuff–and one of several compelling demos he’ll be sharing to help folks get the most out of the InsertFromUrl script step. We can’t talk much about this now as we’re heads-down getting ready for the conference, but we’re looking forward to sharing this and seeing where folks take it.

If you can’t make it to DevCon, don’t worry: Jason will be blogging about this and distributing an example file after the conference. So stay tuned. (Part 1 of Jason’s series on this app is here along with links to the demo file.)

Dropbox and the Dropbox logo are trademarks of Dropbox, Inc. FileMaker, a subsidiary of Apple Inc., is a registered trademark of FileMaker, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.

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  • Ed

    This looks great! Any chance of getting that example file?

    • seedcode

      Yep! We just got back from DevCon and will be blogging about this / posting files as soon as we catch our breath.

      • Really wanted to attend this session, but the room was bulging. I talked to a lot of people who didn’t make it in. I think they really underestimated the popularity of this session and had you in too small of a room. Now we’ll have to wait for the DevCon videos to be released, and/or your follow-up blog post.

  • Walter

    Looking Good, See you at DevCon !!

  • Sky

    This looks great! Unfortunately I’m not at DevCon, but can’t wait to see more about this….

  • Woderful !!!! I tried to do this on version 13 but was not possible. I tried either linking to a remote filemaker file or having bulky documents, pictures and videos on Dropbox.
    I cannot go to Las Vegas but I am eager to see what miracles you’ve done.
    Thank you

  • Howard Callender

    Great work…I’ll be looking forward to the release.!! Thank you!

  • Eager to read more after the DevCon and to see some videos about it …

    Thanks for creating it and sharing the fun !


  • Simon

    It looks really awesome!!

  • Simon

    Great work!!!

  • John Renfrew

    I’ll be looking forwards to that then… Looks like a great left turn Jason.

  • Great stuff! Unfortunately, this block is one of those where there are 3 sessions I would love to attend. Decisions, decisions… Luckily we have enough people attending from our team that we can divide and conquer, and share notes. Hopefully they post the session recordings quickly after DevCon. See you in Vegas, baby!

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