FileMaker 16 Compatibility

DayBack Calendar and all our shipping products work great in FileMaker 16. If you got a SeedCode app before FM16 shipped on May 9th, 2017 you may need to make a few small changes to bring it up to date. Here’s what you need to know:

DayBack Calendar: FM16 added a security option to the fmp:// url protocol that you’ll need to enable in your files. This is a very easy change and details are here: FMP URLs in FM16. Once you’ve made this change, any version of DayBack from 9.90 onward works in FM16. This might be a great time to make sure you have the latest version of DayBack as it keeps getting better with in-app updates: latest version. (Note that FM16 doesn’t print web viewers  any more so printing the calendar is now best done with screenshots.)

ProMaps: the map has the same url issue above: just enable the new extended privilege and you’re all set. We also introduce a small change to make the map work in Mac OS Sierra, so if you’re on Mac you’ll want to make the change described in version 1.053 here.

GoZync: we released a new update to GoZync and you’ll want to upgrade to this when you switch your FileMaker Go clients to FM16. Details and instructions are here.

SeedCode Subscribe: we stopped selling Subscribe in favor of of DayBack Online in August of 2016 and FileMaker 15 is the last version of FileMaker Server that we’ll support for current Subscribe customers. DayBack Online will let you publish read only (or read write) calendars in a much more reliable way and we’re offering upgrade discounts to all Subscribe customers. More info here.

We’re pretty psyched about FM16, especially the opportunities it provides for passing script parameters using the new JSON functions. That should make working in someone else’s scripts a lot easier.

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