“Slide-a-Block” for FMGo

Yann Liqueur-Salzedo from infografix has just published a great how-to article on revealing different layout areas when you rotate your iPhone or iPad running FMGo.

This is a technique we’re using in some of GoZync’s sample files, and his explanation of it is excellent! And the screens he’s drawn are pretty sexy as well.

Check out the full article here.

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  • Bruno

    To block hidden buttons below I put the main layout on a button with the commit record script. If you don’t use the commit record you can not click out of a field. I wonder if this trick has some disadvantages?

  • Whoops, didn’t test that web viewer on iPad before posting that! Yes, absolutely correct “web viewers go in front of EVERYTHING” even when they are sent to the back. So, the 1 px expanding method is the workaround for now. 🙂

  • Tanner Ellen

    Hi Ben,
    In the case of GoMaps we have an advantage in the sense that on the map view is a web viewer (which always covers everything) and on list view a portal (on go it covers everything). Filemaker Go 12 does handle portals differently as you have discovered. They tend to punch through anything on top of it. One of the easiest ways to hide the portal while in portrait mode is to make the portal only 1px wide. Set the portal to expand horizontally and then when you rotate the device it will grow and reveal the contents.

    I hope that makes sense, and helps with your situation.

    – Tanner

    • I have tried both the 1 px expanding portal and this works, although I also have some buttons and global search fields that function if the screen is touched in their location while hidden. I was able to use the same 1 px expanding method together with some cosmetic work on the global search fields to obscure text that would extend to far to the right. So with a bit of tweeking here and their this work.

      I then tested using a web viewer with code and sending it to the back of the sliding tab panel, anchored top, left, and bottom. Just large enough (256 px) to cover anything that I have hidden by the sliding tab panel. This works great and it allows all fields and buttons below to not be accessible while field and buttons on the top layer work as usual! I must thank John for posting the video for GoMaps yesterday and you for confirming that a web viewer always covers everything! 🙂

    • Yes! Tanner that makes perfect sense just like in GoMaps where you have the vertical 8 px that expands. I was also thinking the web viewer may block all behind it and was going to test a web viewer the color of the background behind the main layout objects to see if that would work. Your suggestion looks like a simple fix. 🙂

  • Hi John,
    I used this technique on FM Go 11 layouts, then when Go 12 came out fields and objects within the hidden portal on the left show through the tab object that covers them in portrait view on the iPad. I noticed in your newest video on GoMaps layouts you are still using the technique. Would you be so kind as to share how you are not having the portal fields and objects to “bleed” through the sliding tab panel?

  • […] gorgeous example of this technique, and more details, check out Yann Liqueur-Salzedo’s work here. Share this:FacebookTwitterEmailLike this:LikeBe the first to like this […]

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