Upgrade Paths

The most important thing to remember about upgrading is that this is just the calendar, at least for now. It won’t have the contacts, projects, and invoicing in SeedCode Complete until some time in Q1.

With that in mind, here’s what we’re thinking for upgrades:

  • Users of any of our previous calendars will be able to upgrade at a discount. We haven’t determined the pricing yet, so we don’t know what that discount will be.
  • And since you can use your existing appointments table in the calendar, even some SeedCode Complete users will want to upgrade, since they’ll just be replacing that calendar layouts with the new calendar layout.
  • Anyone who purchases Pro or Pro Complete on or after Dec 1 but before the new calendar ships will get a free upgrade to the new one.

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  • Tom Bissonette

    My deployment of the Seedcode calendar at the University Counseling Center where I worked was so well-received they are keeping under contract in my retirement to do updates and maintenance. I look forward to seeing the next calendar version. I hope you will include a feature that will allow searching for open time slots. My clients frequently ask about this. Also, will the screen have to redraw after every appointment is made or viewed as it does now?

  • Just a comment on Goals and directions – would love a Seedcode Complete Super with completely integrated…
    – contacts, projects, invoices, backMagic and…
    – [new] calendar
    – fmSpark
    – ninjaCal
    – FileMaker Finds
    – [new] TimeTracking
    …oh, and Hierarchy to portal views sprinkled throughout.
    Trying to do something like this here but just lacking the elegance.

  • Meant that to read “on or after Dec 1” so yes, you’re covered for a free upgrade when we release.

    As for when Complete comes out, I don’t know… One of the reasons the import of contacts into Complete is tricky is because it is really normalized (separate tables for phone and address). We’re changing that up (hoping to get some good ideas at Pause On Error in Jan) but I think at the end of the day your import will be as tricky because you’ll be *coming from* a tricky normalized system. (Sorry about that.)

    The schedule will import easily, or you can use the appointments table you’re working on now in Complete (though you’ll be able to delete lots of fields no longer needed in the new calendar).

  • ErikG

    Well I bought the complete ON dec 1st, will I also get a free update?
    When the Complete will be updated will you have a simpler way to move the data from the old to the new?

    I would really dread to redo all the work I’m doing now importing contacts and writing in all the current scheduling we have in fron of us…

    OTOH I’d love to see what you could do to a improved Complete as well! The new calendar design looks pretty neat (although our main use is in the scchedule page).


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