Case Study: Syncing On-Site Inspections

Water Quality Inspections Using iPads, FileMaker 12, and GoZync

FileMaker Platinum developer FullCity Consulting built this solution for a private company tasked with managing water quality in open bodies of water across large parts of two states. FullCity created their own FileMaker Go files, then used GoZync to sync inspections made offline with their client’s main FileMaker 12 solution.

Previously they were managing their workflow (from onsite service reports to state required reporting) on paper and using Access running under Parallels on a single Mac in the owner’s office. FullCity’s Adam Aronson recalls:

“When I first visited them there was a stack of service reports on the owner’s desk (2″ high!) that represented 60 days of invoices that had yet to be sent out. I referred to this as ‘self imposed Net-90’. Additionally, the information represented on the service reports needed to be aggregated yearly into a specific format for state reporting requirements. Collecting all of the data and reentering it into Access (for printing the reports) was taking the two owners a ridiculous amount of time.”

Using GoZync

Their current solution delivers the service reports back to the office when sync’ed (via GoZync) and a server side process is emailing PDFs of the service reports back to the customer – sometimes within 15 minutes of the tech leaving the site.

Additionally, by reproducing the NJ state report in the “back office” FileMaker file the availability of that report is practically instantaneous and they are also now using Zulu to display the service appointments in iCal.


FullCity Consulting

FullCity Consulting are GoZync experts, specializing in business productivity solutions for the iPad and Filemaker/web integrations. They are an Apple Consultant with Mobility Technical Competency certification and are the FileMaker Business Alliance’s Business Partner of the Year in the Americas for 2011.



GoZync is a framework for building offline FileMaker Go solutions that talk to hosted FileMaker files. GoZync is modifiable and built solely in FileMaker Pro. It supports container fields and signatures, and is interruptible: meaning if your iPad shuts off or you loose connection mid-zync: no problem. Learn more at


Zulu is an extension for FileMaker Server that lets you read and write your FileMaker event records from iCal, Google Calendar, and the calendars on your iPhone and iPad. Learn more at

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