DevCon 2016 – What Looks Good

The big show starts next week and here are some of the sessions we’re most looking forward to:

FileMaker DevCon 2016

  • CWP User Group Meeting – Once an unconference session, the annual Custom Web Publishing gathering has become a place where folks preview some cutting edge stuff for FileMaker and the web. Should be some discussion of fmxj and always interesting stuff from Beezwax. Monday, 3:30pm
  • Yoga – This will be the fourth (?) year Dan Weiss has organized morning yoga at the conference and it’s a great way to keep perspective amid the Vegas swirl. And a good excuse to get to bed early. Want more: try the DevCon Meditation Challenge. Starting Tuesday morning at 6:30 in Brera 4
  • JavaScript is Eating the World – From what I’ve heard Todd Geist’s session on what’s next will be pretty eye opening. I would attend especially if you’re new to JavaScript. Tuesday, 2pm
  • eXcelisys Vendor Session – Doug West will be demoing a whole host of cool tricks. These guys are real thinkers and I’ve always been impressed with the stuff they share. Wednesday, 2pm
  • FMoT: The FileMaker of Things – Ken d’Oronzio will be talking about bridging apps and objects with Zapier and IFTTT (we also like Workato)– essential techniques for the apps our customers really want us to build. Wednesday, 9am

What are you looking forward to?

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  • seedcode

    Completely forgot “Positioning: Pigeonhole Yourself” by Jonathan Stark, Wednesday at 2pm. I saw a version of this talk at and I find myself quoting pieces from it pretty often. Highly recommended.

  • Thanks John, and look forward to it. We have some great people on our team come meet some of them at the booth… And another exciting thing that we are announcing at DevCon, actually a first. With regards to processing DDRs we demoing a brand new capability called PDoS… Process DDR on Server. What used to tie up your machine for hours, then minutes… soon it will be seconds. Once your start using InspectorPro in the cloud, the convince it offers for you and your team, becomes something that you’ll be doing often.

    See you in Vegas 🙂

    • seedcode

      PDoS! Nice.

  • Thanks John for the mention of our Vendor Session and kind words about how we thunk of stuff! 🙂 Truly appreciated!

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