New: Resource Scheduling Grid View

Balance your workload with the new Grid View for DayBack Calendar. Like the multi-day resource view, the grid lets you scan for gaps in your schedule so you can balance the workload among your resources. View any number of resources and up to 14 days at a time in a simple grid that supports drag and drop rescheduling.

See the Grid View in action below… the video begins by showing how you can download new features into DayBack Calendar via in-app updates.

DayBack supports both a verbose and compacted view: in verbose mode you can see the whole title and description of an event, including all the related contact information, phone numbers, and email if applicable. In compacted mode each event is shown as just a single line. You’ll see both modes in the video above but we think compacted mode is a nice companion for the grid view as it lets you quickly assess the number of events for each resource / day.

Back on the vertical resource view, you can now tweak the CSS to rotate the column headings if you have long resource names and don’t want to use DayBack’s abbreviations:

Instructions for making that CSS change can be found toward the bottom of the page here.

If you’re new to DayBack, learn more and download the unlocked 30-day trial here…

[ba-button link=”” color=”grey” target=”self”]DayBack Calendar for FileMaker[/ba-button]


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  • Scott Rider

    When scheduling resources, can tasks be dependent on related tasks? If a task goes longer than expected can it impact the start time for the next task on a different resource?
    Example: We are a printing company. The artwork to be printed need to be setup. The job also needs to be printed, thus 2 resources. The prepress dept takes longer than expected to set up the artwork thus delaying the print start time. Can the print start time automatically change based on the completion time of the artwork? Clear as mud?


    • seedcode

      Absolutely, Scott. There’s a blog post and video on this here: You might also have a third event on the project–the time you promised it to the customer–and you DON”T want that time to change when you reschedule production, so DayBack can include some or all of the project events in the “dependency chain”. Instructions in the video are pretty clear, but we can help set this up for you or customize the scripts if you like. Hope that’s good news!

      • Peter

        I am in the printing business too. Will this work in Resource view too?
        And is it possible to change x and y axes?
        I need
        machine1 |Day1andTime|Day2andTime
        machine2 |Day1andTime|Day2andTime

        – meaning there are no overlapping events. Every event/job comes after the other.

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