New Features for DayBack Calendar

The latest in-app updates to DayBack adds the ability to duplicate events by dragging them, improved date fidelity outside the US, and a red line indicating the current time. None of these updates require any changes to your FileMaker file: just click “check for updates“.

Duplicating Events

Easily duplicate events by dragging them.


Just hold down the Option key (Mac) or Control key (Windows) before starting to drag the event. Look here for more details and a movie of this in action.

Improved Date Formatting

We’ve done a lot of work to help DayBack better reflect your date and time preferences when you’re getting started. When your date formatting is set to “auto”–as it is by default–DayBack now does a much better job displaying dates and times that match your machine’s language.

Notes on how this works, and how to tweak these formats are available in a revised article on date formats.

Show the Current Time

DayBack now shows you a live indicator of the current time so that you can see how much time you have left before your next appointment.

The current time is available on all “hourly” views except  for the pivoted schedule: it will be available there, and on mobile, next.

Check out the new version by downloading a 30-day, customizable trial and see your own schedule in DayBack.

[ba-button link=”/downloads/” color=”Yellow” target=”blank”] Download DayBack for FileMaker  [/ba-button]

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