SeedCode Complete now includes DayBack Calendar

The SeedCode Complete starter solution now comes with a tightly integrated copy of DayBack Calendar. We’ve been looking forward to this integration for a long time and were waiting until DayBack had gantt charts, as they’re a bit part of managing projects in Complete. The gantt charts are here now and this integration with Complete was worth the wait.

DayBack calendar is a great fit for Complete and there are all sorts of little details that make this not only a great productivity tool, but an excellent example of how you can customize DayBack to work with your own file.

Here’s an overview of the how the calendar now works in Complete:

How to get your hands on this

If you’re new to Complete, download a 10-day demo and see if this could be the start of your next solution.

If you have a copy of Complete from before DayBack was included–this is the recent version of Complete with the beautiful animations we released at the end of 2014–you can purchase a separate license to DayBack and integrate this into your copy of Complete following instructions specific to this integration. We’re offering these owners of Complete a 20% discount on DayBack, as we know you’ll want to get the latest version of DayBack in there. Please get in touch with us to take advantage of the discount.

If you have an older copy of Complete–earlier than December 2014, that likely has a different look and feel from the image above–you can upgrade to the new Complete including DayBack. (Upgrade pricing is to the right of the prices here.)

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