Customizing DayBack Calendar for FileMaker: Success Story

FileMaker partner aACE Software customized DayBack Calendar for their vertical market ERP solution: their customers love it!

“The results of implementing the calendar have been overwhelmingly positive. Everybody benefits from “real-time” scheduling allowing us to see down to the nth degree what resources are available for any project at any time. The calendar solved the lack of visibility issues we were having.” – Jimmie Wolfe, Director of Field Operations, Gable

Check out the details in the success story that aACE Software posted on their site: aACE + DayBack Calendar

Customize FileMaker Calendar Success Story

Customized to fit seamlessly within their app

We really like what aACE was able to do here and that they could customize DayBack to fit seamlessly within their own app. It looks great! And it’s clear they listened closely to their client: the customer loves what they’ve done.

Here are some links to help you start customizing the calendar:

[bctt tweet=”The aACE+ DayBack calendar integration saved the day.” username=”seedcode”]

Big thanks to Caitlin, Michael, and Brian at aACE for sharing their customization and publishing their client’s feedback! Congrats on such a great success story.

DayBack is designed for you to customize. Learn more

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