Using the Salesforce API in Claris FileMaker

SeedCode’s Ann Kiser recently spoke to the Claris Beyond user group about her experiences running projects in Salesforce and how to use the Salesforce API to bring Salesforce records into FileMaker. She’s uploaded her unlocked example file here for you to examine.

Ann runs custom projects here at SeedCode and has been managing a lot of Salesforce projects lately since DayBack is deployed in both the Salesforce AppExchange and the Claris Marketplace.

Bring Salesforce Records into FileMaker

Ann’s presentation walks you through authenticating into Salesforce using the API and retrieving records based on a SOQL query (Salesforce’s flavor of SQL).

Learning Salesforce for FileMaker Developers: Trailhead

Ann also talked about Trailhead, the free self-paced courses Salesforce has created to help people learn. FileMaker developers are uniquely well prepared to architect solutions in Salesforce–we get an excellent education in data modeling–but the vocabulary differences can be intimidating. Trailhead is a great way to dive into the Salesforce vocabulary so you can translate your expertise into Salesforce’s terminology.

Salesforce to FileMaker Example File

Download the example file from Ann’s presentation here: SeedCode Salesforce-2-FileMaker Please get in touch if you need help connecting Salesforce to your FileMaker solutions.

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