In Action: Zulu iCal Server for FileMaker

Check out this short video of editing your FileMaker records from within iCal:

Zulu is a collaboration between SeedCode and 360Works. The beta for Zulu is underway; if you have a project that could deploy Zulu now, please get in touch.

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  • Looks like a great solution. I too would need to find someway to have it work in a multi-platform environment.

    Will this work with the iCal server portion of Mac Os X Server and the web access to calendars that is offered via that channel?

    • This makes FileMaker into an iCal Server, so your iCal Clients can interact with some calendars served from Mac OS Server, some from FileMaker Server, and some local calendars. =)

  • John:

    To say that this is amazing, stupendous, incredible and awesome would not be overstating this. I’m the IT manager for a Management Consulting firm. We have about 50 employees spread out across the globe (offices in Philadelpha, LA, Paris, Hong Kong) and traveling constantly. Used to use Now before it became unusably unstable and then crashed and burned in development. Switched to iCal Server several years ago and while it was barely sufficient at the time, it has proven to be unreliable, unstable, feature limited and is now very slow (slow to be able to get scheduling done because of the feature limitations). And, we live and die inside our calendars in this firm. I’ve dreamed of having an extensible calendar that would fully integrate into our CRM and Workflow systems and this looks to be exactly what we need. Can’t wait for this to be available, I think it will be a perfect match for us! It’s doubly excellent that you are doing this with 360Works as Jess came to our user group last year and I really trust him and the 360Works products. Great job guys! Can’t wait to get my hands on this!

    … Eric

  • Hi John,

    This is very impressive. Can’t wait to try it out. Miss those great FM PUG meeting you guys are having in Seattle.


  • Guys, this looks awesome! I want to know when you have it ready to go. I certainly could see our company using Zulu.

    Right now we are using iCal server with iCal, and to be honest, it is lacking. Zulu just might be what we are looking for. We are an all Mac shop.


    • Thanks Rick! You’re on our mailing list, so you’ll start hearing more as we get closer. And, for what it’s worth, Zulu runs on Mac or Windows servers. Thanks again. – John

  • Hi Mike,

    In theory, yes. But Google Calendar doesn’t fully support writing to CalDAV sources like Zulu, so users could read but not edit in Google Calendar. Sunbird, the Windows equivalent of iCal does work, however. And I believe there are a number of extensions for Outlook that let it work with iCal / CalDAV servers: if you’d like to try one of those with Zulu during the beta I’d love to get you a copy. Email john at


  • Mike

    Awesome stuff!

    As the sole Mac guy an fortunately the guy in charge, I’m planning to implement a FileMaker Server based work order based system for my department. Is there any way for a Windows based user with say Google Calendar or ideally Outlook to be a client the way iCal on Mac is?


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