Claris Success Story – ProMaps & Seismic Event Warnings

Mapping and distance math are a big part of our calendar customizations. DayBack can warn schedulers if there is insufficient drive-time between appointments or if another asset is closer to the customer that week. And our ProMaps app lets developer add mapping into their own projects.

Occasionally we take this mapping expertise in entirely new directions. In this case study, engineering firm Marx|Okubo wanted to email damage assessment maps to property owners within minutes of a quake in their area. Ann Kiser, SeedCode’s director of custom projects, designed an excellent solution that listens to the USGS feed, finds potentially affected properties, calculates likely damage, and emails graphics and reports automatically.

FileMaker Map Seismic
SeedCode’s Ann Kiser with Alan Corkhill, director of technology for Marx|Okubo

This solution is now a vital component of the ASAP product (Automated Structure Alert Program) Marx|Okubo is marketing in seismically active areas. It’s one thing to build software for someone; it’s another for them to take our work into a product: we couldn’t be more proud.

Claris FileMaker Map Add-On
Damage intensity radiating from a quake
Plotting affected properties and their potential damage

Big thanks to Ann, Jason, and KC at SeedCode, who worked on this, and Alan Corkhill, director of technology for Marx|Okubo, for all the engineering know-how and inspiration. And thanks to the marketing team at Claris for filming a great customer success story.

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