FileMaker & iCal: Case Study

The DA’s office in Mobile, AL is up and running with a beta of  Zulu, our new server-side plugin for FileMaker. Lisa, who runs the program is serving over 36 read-write calendars to iCal and iPhone. She has written up some of her experiences, including the accolades she’s getting from her team. Read more here.

FileMaker Records as seen through Zulu

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1 Comment

  • That’s great news! You’ve probably seen my name before — we’re an office of about 65 users (mostly Mac), and along with around 10 conference rooms, everyone has a shared calendar in our less-than-perfect FMP-based calendar “server,” which exchanges data with desktop apps via .ics invites. Very messy at times. Based on what I’ve heard, I’m heavily leaning towards Zulu at this point, and we’ll probably be ready to implement it this fall, to coincide with the development of a new project management module in our FMP system. I’m sure we’ll be in touch!

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