Google Maps in FileMaker WebDirect on Mobile Devices – ProMaps

A customer reached out to us for help implementing ProMaps in FileMaker WebDirect. They wanted a mobile solution for their outreach campaigns. We’d already made some custom deployments of ProMaps running in WebDirect, but none of those were for mobile browsers. Working on mobile required redesigning an entirely new menu and mobile map view, which turned out really great!

Here are some screenshots of the final result:

FileMaker Maps on Android

ProMaps in FileMaker WebDirect

Filtering FileMaker Map on Mobile Phone

The entire solution can be accessed via WebDirect through a mobile or desktop browser so they can be out in the field and still access their solution through any device! We even added their current device location to the map so they can see where they are at all times in relation to the pins on the map.

If you’d like help utilizing ProMaps in WebDirect or want to create mobile map views like this, please get in touch.

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