Preview: Calendar Analytics

Analytics is coming to DayBack Calendar.

Analytics is now live! Available as an in-app update to DayBack Calendar!

Measure changes to your schedule, and chart calendar data against your goals. More info, and examples, here.

Calendar Analytics for FileMakerCompare schedule data to your goalsYou’ll be able to chart any additional fields you’ve added to the calendar. And you’ll know when the crests or troughs of your activity cross your thresholds.

In the example above, we’re looking at one developer’s billable hours in DayBack. Her target is 25 hours per week and she’s exceeding that every other week.

[bctt tweet=”Calendar analytics show you the consequences of your decisions.” username=”seedcode”]

Analytics respond as you drag events to reschedule them. It’s designed to answer questions like these:

• When do I need to begin work on this project?

• Do we have the capacity to take on this new job?

• Have I blocked off enough time to meet this deadline?

• How often are we exceeding our goals?

• Have I planned for any of this?


For many of us, this will be the first time we can answer these questions and have the answers right in front of us in the same tool we use to plan our work. We’ve been using analytics internally for a few months and are very excited about it’s improved our decision making.

New DayBack Calendar Analytics Logo


Add this to your copy of DayBack: coming soon

Analytics will be available as an in-app update very soon. If you’re new to updates, you can see how they work here: In-app updates to DayBack Calendar.

Click “Account Settings” in the Settings tab of the left-hand sidebar, then click “Check for updates” to see if you still have access to updates.

Extend your in-app updates

If you’ve purchased DayBack Calendar on a monthly or yearly subscription, you can download in-app updates for the life of your subscription. But if you purchased DayBack outright, access to free updates ends after the first year. Extend your access to updates any time by purchasing here: extend your in-app updates.

[ba-button link=”/extend-in-app-updates/” color=”Yellow” target=”blank”]Extend your in-app updates[/ba-button]

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