New Text Styles, Colors, and Icons in DayBack Calendar for FileMaker

The latest in-app update to DayBack lets you style events in the calendar. You can use this to add icons, introduce a second color, or treat events differently when they contain certain keywords.

DayBack already lets you use a FileMaker calculation to determine how each event is displayed above. Now you can include styling in that calc. New documentation contains screenshots and calculations for each of these examples:

  • Use colors to indicate which truck or team is assigned to a particular event (this lets you color code the calendar by status and by resource).
  • Change the background color or introduce a gradient based on a calculated field.
  • Add CSS classes to individual fields to get more control or change their style on different calendar views.

Add this to Your Copy of DayBack

Styling is available in the latest in-app update. Just click “Account Settings” in the Settings tab of the left-hand sidebar, then click “Check for updates.”  If you’re new to those, you can see how they work here: In-app updates to DayBack Calendar.

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