Appointment Booking in FileMaker WebDirect using DayBack Calendar

Here’s a great implementation of DayBack Online with a FileMaker WebDirect solution by Jason Trenary at the South Carolina School of Music.

Jason built an online portal for students to reserve recording equipment using the DayBack Online calendar interface. Students are able to see exactly when the equipment they’ve selected is already booked, and when there are openings they can select to reserve the equipment for themselves.

Here’s a video showing it in action:

The equipment selection process is all done in FileMaker WebDirect layouts. Then the calendar is loaded, passing the selected equipment and a unique session id as url parameters to DayBack Online. Using Custom Event Actions, the student is notified when they try to reserve equipment that is already reserved. And when they save a valid appointment, the calendar is automatically closed and the page returns to the related FileMaker reservation record with the updated schedule information.

Big thanks to Jason Trenary at the South Carolina School of Music for sharing his work with us!

If you’d like help utilizing DayBack Online to create a custom appointment booking solution like this, please get in touch.

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