Layer Multiple Calendars with DayBack for FileMaker

Here’s a great example of using filters to display multiple calendars, each from a different layer of your business. A custom sidebar uses FileMaker scripts and buttons to show and hide calendars using the resources from each line of business.

Our customer, Parvin Paving, wanted to show their field service schedules alongside the schedule of their estimates and sales teams. They also have calendars for booking conference rooms and back office operations. Each calendar has its own set of color-coded resources–rooms, people, or trucks–and they asked for a tree-view of their divisions’ schedules. This became a new left-hand sidebar to filter calendars in DayBack.FileMaker Calendar Layout

Parvin Paving runs their operation using SeedCode Complete–which comes integrated with DayBack Calendar–and SeedCode’s Ann Kiser built this new sidebar based on their mockups. The tree-view is a FileMaker portal that calls DayBack’s FileMaker scripts to filter the calendar. Here’s a short video of the sidebar in action:

Of course, this looks really good on larger monitors where you can show more than three days side-by-side. If you’re building a sidebar like this yourself, the scripts you’ll be calling to filter resources are those used on the “Advanced Filters” layout that comes with DayBack. You’ll also find instructions for adding your own filters here: adding filters to DayBack calendar.

Parvin is also showing icons based on the status of each event: thumbs-up means the job is approved, a phone means that a call is required. It’s pretty easy to add icons based on the status of an event, and you’ll find instructions here.

Big thanks for Jim Parvin at Parvin Paving, for letting us show this off. And congrats to Ann Kiser for the slick implementation.

Check out more sidebar examples here: Custom sidebars for DayBack Calendar

And if you’d like our help building a custom sidebar for your calendar, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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